

my philosophy is simple:

I paint because it brings me absolute joy! Through adopting this philosophy my work knows no boundaries and I wouldn’t have it any other way. My favorite two words throughout my creative process are “what if”. These simple but powerful words give me complete freedom to work without any critic or restriction, and as a result creates an environment and state of total bliss.

Creating art is a very personal journey. My work is an expression of me, my thoughts, feelings and emotions. I am inspired by nature, relationships and the energy exchange between people, the unknown, and the idea that our thoughts become things.

I am constantly pushing the boundaries of what it means to be completely open and vulnerable. I give myself permission to create without limitations or boundaries and I have found that there is such great reward in the unknown.

My work serves as an open invitation and reminder to allow yourself to connect with your own vulnerabilities so you can see for yourself the incredible reward that follows!

Andrea Redfern, Artist, Canvas, Murals, Wall, Floor, Painter, Painting, Art, Work, Portfolio